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Beyond the Bucks: Hidden Perks to Negotiate Besides Salary


Are you curious about some hidden yet necessary perks to negotiate with Employers besides salary? Read this article to learn them and get better perks and benefits for yourself before signing on to join a new company!

A man extending his hand for a hand shake

Hello, aspiring job-seekers, ambitious students, and unstoppable goal-getters! Today, we

uncover a trove of negotiation perks beyond the mere glimmer of a salary. While the allure of gold is undeniable, it’s time to don your cloaks of charm and charisma. There are several

other variables to consider before accepting a job.

Do you want to bring your pet rabbit to work? Say so.

These perks are integral to your overall work experience. It’s therefore vital to know them.

We’ll discuss 10 perks and provide bonus tips for better negotiation.

Are you ready to wield the power of persuasion? Let’s set sail.

10 Perks to Negotiate Besides Salary

Here are 10 important factors to discuss when negotiating a new job:

  • Flexibility
A clock with flexible working written on its face.

As you step into the negotiation arena, always discuss flexibility. Ensure you agree on flexible working hours that allow you to traverse the peaks and valleys of your energy levels. Flexible work hours can transform you into a pro time manager and help you avoid overworking and eventually burnout. Read about how to avoid Burnout here.

  • Work-from-Anywhere Privileges

Ah, the Rasta man’s song of freedom!

A man working on his laptop outside at a park.

You can harness the power of negotiation to secure the privilege of working from anywhere in the world. Discuss the possibility of unleashing your creativity from the comfort of your

room. Imagine working while sipping your favorite tea in bed or sitting under an iroko-like tree in your compound. With a reliable internet connection and stable electricity, you can be as productive.

  • Unlimited Snack Supply
A group of people snacking together.

Sounds funny, yea?

Well, for real, no more mundane quests to the office kitchenette! You can negotiate for an unlimited supply of your favorite snacks. With excellent persuasion power, you can convince employers of how these magical munchies release super productivity into the air. We’re not being ridiculous! You can have Popcorn, puff puff, or donuts at your beck and call.

  • Bring Your Pet to Work
A man holding his dog while working.

If your job role and the work environment can reasonably accommodate a harmless pet at work, you can negotiate that. Rather than leaving them at home, you can explore pet-friendly workplaces and bring them along. You can discuss how your heartwarming pet can keep the workspace calm and friendly. Although, be wary of the occasional mischief they can cause during important meetings.

  • Professional Development Funds
An image that says professional development, with an upward facing arrow underneath.

We promise! You’re not asking for too much. Not yet🌝🤭

As a goal-getter, your quest for knowledge never ends. Ensure you negotiate professional development funds to further hone your skills and expand your abilities. Through the power of education and training, you’ll transcend from an entry-level employee to a true master of your craft. Thus, you can add more value to the employer’s or client’s organization.

Fortunately, you can upskill and better yourself professionally here on PTMA, all you have to do is take one of our courses to kickstart your professional development. you can also check out some of our professional packages, which offer a variety of services that will aid you in your career path.

  • Health and Wellness Perks
A man doing a plank exercise while working.

In the quest for professional greatness, never compromise your health and well-being. You can introduce the need for gym memberships, rejuvenating yoga classes, or even weekly enchanted massages. Negotiate the best health insurance plan as well. A healthy worker is

a proactive and productive worker.

  • Personal Projects Time
A man having a meal while using his phone

Your creative juice is a magical force to reckon with. You can request time during work hours to pursue your personal projects. It could be writing a book, mastering an art, or anything really.

  • Dress Code Flexibility
A group of people wearing unique outfits standing in a row.

You can bid farewell to stuffy white collars and negotiate a dress code that reflects your personality. Depending on the job role, you can agree on a comfortable and reasonable dress code that works for you and for them. I mean it saves you from getting into trouble with HR for violating company dress codes.

  • Travel Opportunities
A man at the airport with his luggage staring out the window at a plane taking off.

Wanderlust courses through your veins!

You know it. We know it. 🌝

Here, you can negotiate travel opportunities, whether attending industry conferences or embarking on international business activities. It offers the chance to explore the world, learn new things, expand your horizons and return with a broader perspective. This will make you an all-round better employee with so much more to offer.

  • Paternity, Maternity, and “Pawternity” Leave
An animated image of a man and woman each holding unto babies.

Ah, love knows no bounds.

You should negotiate for paid leaves when you welcome a new child, regardless of your gender. You can also bring it up when your pets welcome a baby. While this may sound hilarious, some organizations are willing to grant that paid leave.

5 Tips to negotiate better during an interview.

Here are five powerful tips to become better negotiators in your overall work processes:

  • Do Your Homework: Knowledge is power in negotiations. Make sure to research the role, the organization involved, and possible options. Armed with such information, you can cast your spells of persuasion.
  • Active Listening: Sharpen your listening skills like a royal sword. As you pay attention to the spoken words, be attentive to the emotions and needs of the other party. Listen to understand, not just to respond, as empathy and understanding improves collaborative solutions.
  • Know Your Worth: Confidence is also key to success in negotiations. Trust your abilities and the value you bring to the client or employer. This’ll prevent you from underselling your value and empower you to negotiate from a position of strength.
  • Negotiate the Process, Not Just the Outcome: This involves setting clear expectations, deadlines, and communication channels. Define important factors like how to resolve potential disputes. A well-negotiated process provides a solid foundation for smoother collaborations.
  • Be Willing to Compromise: Yes, we gingered you to know your value and ask for stuff. Yet, you need to know when to compromise. Be open to finding a balance and compromise on peripheral factors. If the company insists on its “no-pets” policy and offers other important factors, you might want to consider the deal anyway. It’s not a sign of weakness but an enthusiasm for Win-Win positions.

Our final thoughts

Two men standing to shake hands.

Essentially, the art of negotiation is an enchanting dance that transcends the mere

acquisition of gold. As you pursue the ideal opportunity, consider the other perks that make

your career life interesting and satisfying.

Now, go forth, dear goal-getters, and make your mark on the world with your newfound

negotiation magic. With every wave of confidence and charisma, may the offers ever be in

your favor!


A handsome young black man wearing a sweater, shirt and tie.

Meet Duke, a creative and results-driven copywriter and content writer passionate about bringing brands to life through words. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, Duke has been helping businesses of all sizes reach their target audiences and achieve their marketing goals for over half a decade.

When Duke isn’t busy crafting compelling content or developing effective marketing strategies, you can find him indulging in his love of all things food-related, exploring the great outdoors, or snuggling up with a good book and a cup of tea—Duke’s versatile skill set, allows him to tackle any project confidently and creatively.
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